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"I found Thomas to be an excellent counselor, extremely intuitive, knowledgeable and compassionate. I can’t recommend him enough. With his guidance my life has become a much more pleasant journey."
"I've spent years working with other counselors, and Tempest Counseling has helped me more in our first session than years elsewhere. They are so effective, I can't recommend them enough."
"My counselor is very personable, and has a clear and practical approach. I feel he has been instrumental to my personal growth and has been able to help me. I'm glad to have found him."
"My counselor has helped me achieve an “awareness” of my mental state through my physical well-being. This makes handling certain situations more reasonable as I can follow a logistical pattern to figure out why I feel or think the way that I am."
"My counselor made me feel comfortable from the start which was very important to me. He is a great listener and gave me the feedback and guidance that I desperately needed. I feel more at peace and I am forever grateful."
"As a member of leadership at the local, state, and national level, I have had opportunities to associate with clinicians of extraordinary talent. Thomas, the founder of Tempest Counseling, is one of those clinicians. He understands the complications surrounding mental health and possesses the skills necessary to intervene on his client's behalf."